PANAJI: Pakistani terrorists based in the Middle East are involved in gold smuggling through the airports in touristy Goa and funds generated from these illicit operations are allegedly used to finance antinational activities in India, reports Murari Shetye. This was revealed during recent investigations by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) in Goa.
Over the past three months, DRI has seized 3kg of gold worth Rs 10 crore, with smugglers reportedly utilising both the airport at Mopa and the older airport at Dabolim for smuggling.Mounting cases prompted the agency to heighten its vigilance and activate sources to catch the smugglers. DRI suspects that gold is being smuggled through Mopa every day.
“When international flights began operations from Mopa airport, smugglers assessed its vulnerabilities,” DRI said.
“They were able to dodge the checks and started using the airport to smuggle gold.” DRI added.![Goa airports are Pak terrorists’ conduits to smuggle gold: DRI]()
Over the past three months, DRI has seized 3kg of gold worth Rs 10 crore, with smugglers reportedly utilising both the airport at Mopa and the older airport at Dabolim for smuggling.Mounting cases prompted the agency to heighten its vigilance and activate sources to catch the smugglers. DRI suspects that gold is being smuggled through Mopa every day.
“When international flights began operations from Mopa airport, smugglers assessed its vulnerabilities,” DRI said.
“They were able to dodge the checks and started using the airport to smuggle gold.” DRI added.
![Goa airports are Pak terrorists’ conduits to smuggle gold: DRI](https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/imgsize-23456,msid-106426808,width-600,resizemode-4/106426808.jpg)
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