Slow-rolling monsoon finally gets moving, may hit north in 2-3 days | India News – Times of India

Slow-rolling monsoon finally gets moving, may hit north in 2-3 days | India News – Times of India


After stagnating for 11 days, the monsoon finally moved into some more parts of south and east India on Thursday, with the India Meteorological Department (IMD) saying conditions were becoming favourable for further advance of the rain-bearing system in the next two-three days during which it could also enter parts of north India.
The monsoon, which arrived over Kerala seven days later than normal on June 8, has remained weak till now except in parts of the northeast such as Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh.
As on Thursday, there was a 31% rainfall deficit in the country for the month of June. Even places such as Kerala, coastal and interior Karnataka and Ryalseema, which the monsoon had covered by June 11, have seen poor rains so far.
The system may finally be strengthening, at least along the Bay of Bengal arm.
IMD said the monsoon on Thursday advanced to cover most areas of Andhra Pradesh and some more parts of Telangana in the south while touching Odisha and moving further into Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar.
The advance wasn’t big in terms of fresh areas covered, but this was the first movement of the monsoon line since June 11. The department said conditions were becoming conducive for the system to cover the whole of Odisha, Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar in the next two-three days, and touch parts of Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Madhya Pradesh.
As per IMD’s extended range forecast, the next seven days could see good rainfall in most parts of central India, with indications of a low-pressure system traversing through the region. Several areas in north India, including Delhi, may also get showers during this period.


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